• My site uses NextCellent 1.9.27. On the startpage I see the following message:

    Allowed 500 MB
    Used 486.4 MB (97%)

    It looks like I approach the maximum allowed storage space. Will NextCellent stop to accept new images once the maximum space is exceeded?

    Is it possible to change the maximum allowed storage space? My provider does not impose a maximum, so I assume it is a setting in NextCellent, but I cannot find it anywhere. I also couldn’t find any answer via Google.

    Many thanks in advance for your help.


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  • It is probably because your site is part of a network (WordPress multisite installation).

    To add more storage, you need to go to the network settings and assign more storage.

    Thread Starter eelcoherder


    Thanks a lot for your answer. Yes, I should have added that the site is part of a multisite installation (completely unnecessary, done by the previous webmaster, still on my list of things to undo).

    I looked at the network settings (/wp-admin/network/settings.php). The checkbox next to ‘storage per site’ (German: Speicherplatz pro Website) is not checked. So apparently there is no storage limit for the site as a whole.

    I could not find any menu item that would allow me to change NextCellent-specific storage settings (I am even not sure if there is a NextCellent-specific maximum for the storage space).

    But the message “Allowed 500 MB – Used 486.4 MB (97%)” does suggest that I do need to change something soon.

    Upon closer inspection, there should be an option called ‘Enable upload quota check’ in the NextCellent network settings. If you disable that, it should disappear.

    Thread Starter eelcoherder


    Thanks again. I just checked the NextCellent network settings at /wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy.

    Indeed, there is an option ‘Enable upload quota check’ (‘Schalte die Uploadbegrenzung ein’). However, the option was already disabled. I just enabled it and disabled it again, just in case the setting was not propagated.

    The previous webmaster actually messed up quite some things and I think I need to start with a new, clean install. But that’s not going to happen in the next few weeks.

    Would it be worth checking the settings directly in the database? Or are they stored in a config-file?

    Or are there even more places to set the maximum storage space for the site as a whole or for the NextCellent plugin in particular?

    I just investigated some more, and it seems it is a bug in NextCellent. If the option is disabled, no checks will be executed, and you can just ignore the message.

    If you want to fix it right now, you need to change line 79 of the file /admin/overview.php from
    if ( get_site_option( 'upload_space_check_disabled' || ! wpmu_enable_function( 'wpmuQuotaCheck' ) ) ) {
    if ( get_site_option( 'upload_space_check_disabled') || ! wpmu_enable_function( 'wpmuQuotaCheck' ) ) {

    Line 80 should be this line: https://bitbucket.org/wpgetready/nextcellent/src/01d0c8dfa87d954f3f564883ae4c1ad248fe66c0/admin/overview.php?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#overview.php-79

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thread Starter eelcoherder


    Thanks again for the quick reply and for investigating the problem. I will leave the code untouched and just ignore the message. I will let you know once I have passed the 500 MB limit :-).

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