I had difficulty with some of the plugin settings and WordPress was still sending the default password reset mail instead of the customized one. The descriptions are vague, or are not worded properly. For example, under Mail Options, Enable mail templates, “If you activate it, a new option in the menu will be created to store and manage mail templates, instead of using only the next one.” “the next one” doesn’t make sense. Perhaps it means “the default one”.
Anyway, I found that in order to use the mail template you can configure in this plugin, I had to deactivate the WordPress automatic email, make sure “Send mail” is checked on the Import settings. Finally, when I imported a user, it sent the template email instead of the WordPress default password reset email. However, that stops the admin new user notification from being sent. But that’s okay because I do get a notification when the user changes the password. I am importing 1,864 users from our old site, so I don’t need 1,864 new user confirmations.