• Resolved jeffsorley


    Hello all,

    I am attempting to make the transition to a better way for showcasing my webcomics on my webpage (moving away from Nextgen Gallery).

    I am currently trying out the ComicPress theme with the Comic Easel plugin. However, for the life of me I cannot get the comic’s navigation bar to go under the comic itself. It keeps showing up above the comic.

    I tried the Adding/Configuring the Comic Navigation Widget instructions found in Frumph’s documentation, but can’t seem to find the “Under Comic and/or Above Comic” options he is referring to in the widgets.

    Visit Asplenia Studios to see what I’m referring to, although please bear in mind a lot of it is a jumble as I figure out where it all is going to go.

    I’m probably being obtuse, but if someone could point me the right direction to solving this, that’d be grand.

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  • Thread Starter jeffsorley


    Additionally, I can’t seem to find how to show the navigation buttons on each comic’s individual page.

    Once again, I am probably being stupid. But I knew web development, I wouldn’t be using these nifty tools!


    Thread Starter jeffsorley


    Scratch the “Additionally” post. Got them to work, but they are still above not below…

    Thread Starter jeffsorley


    Found how to put these widgets in:

    Comic Easel > Config > General tab > Configuration > Enable Comic Sidebar Locations.

    However, this hasn’t changed the fact that the navigation is still ABOVE my comic, and even adding in a new navigation bar in the Under-Comic widget, the new sidebar still shows up above.

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