Hi @humanhabitus
The modification of those texts happens over the language files like I mentioned above.
So since it is already achievable, currently we don’t really have plans for adding a dedicated setting for this. Especially because if somebody modified the default texts, then the texts wouldn’t be translatable with our language files anymore.
So whether you want to modify the texts for the default English language or another language, you should always create a custom “translation” for the language where you want to modify the texts.
E.g. if you want to modify the English text and your site language is set to the default “English (United States)” value, then from our language template file ( nextend-facebook-connect.pot ) you should generate the .po and .mo files with the names:
- nextend-facebook-connect-en_US.po
- nextend-facebook-connect-en_US.mo
and in the .po file you could modify the strings to something else, then save it and that will automatically regenerate the .mo file as well.
In the translation documentation that I linked earlier:
you can find more information about this topic.
If you don’t want to lose the custom translation each time you update the plugin, then WordPress has a folder:
- wp-content\languages\plugins\
where you can place the .po and .mo files, and that could also override the default translations if there are any.
Best regards,