Hi @emmeliekalk,
Manage Services
The “Manage Services” text is included in the latest versions of the Swedish language files (you can see this here). Most-likely your site doesn’t have the latest translation files yet.
Please find the latest Swedish translation files attached on this WeTransfer link, upload the .po and .mo files to the /wp-content/languages/plugins/
folder on your server.
After you replace the Swedish translation files with their latest versions, navigate to Complianz > Cookie Banner and click “Reset to default” once, which will now revert the banner texts to it’s Swedish defaults.
Cookie list (Service type/Sharing data)
These translations are different as these are pulled from CookieDatabase.org. I see that a large part of these texts are translated to Swedish, but translations for these Service type/Sharing data fields are not yet present.
We can check with the Swedish translators if they can address these missing translations, after which we can incorporate them in the near future.
Kind regards, Jarno