There is a mess in the code with text-domains. Through the code Evan uses 2 text-domains 1) youtube-for-wordpress 2) yt-plus-translation-text-domain
But when initializing translations he uses another text-domain – ‘youtube-for-wordpress-translation’))
That is why nothing happens with your translation.
So here’s what you need to do
1) Prepare your translation and name files as and youtube-for-wordpress-pt_BR.po
2) open file youtube-for-wordpress.php and add two lines to the header
Text domain: youtube-for-wordpress
Domain Path: /languages
You can add them after this line
Author URI:
3) In the same file find these lines
/** Localization **/
// include translated files
function yt4wp_plugin_init() {
load_plugin_textdomain(‘youtube-for-wordpress-translation’, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . ‘/languages’);
change ‘youtube-for-wordpress-translation’ to ‘youtube-for-wordpress’
Save and close this file
4) Find and replace in all files of the plugin following code
find: yt-plus-translation-text-domain
replace with: youtube-for-wordpress
I have found 60 matches across 9 files
A number of code editors can do that – Notepad++, Sublime text etc
Save and upload files to you server.
Be aware that some parts were not prepared for translation and are hard-coded – for example upload dialogue and settings.