Change language
how can I change the language of the extension?
@agencefacton have you tried going to your profile edit screen (from the top-right corner of the admin bar on top) and change the language there? Screenshot for reference:
@qriouslad Of course my WordPress is in French, but the extension remains in English, knowing that the full translation exists …
@agencefacton that’s strange… I’m able to load the French translation just fine on a fresh WordPress install…. can you go to Tools >> Site Health >> Info, and then copy your WordPress environment info here?
This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by
<br>### wp-core ###<br><br>version: 6.7.1<br>site_language: fr_FR<br>user_language: fr_FR<br>timezone: Europe/Paris<br>permalink: /%category%/%postname%/<br>https_status: true<br>multisite: false<br>user_registration: 0<br>blog_public: 1<br>default_comment_status: undefined<br>environment_type: production<br>user_count: 1<br>dotorg_communication: true<br><br>### wp-paths-sizes ###<br><br>wordpress_path: ********<br>wordpress_size: 176,94 Mo (185531459 bytes)<br>uploads_path: ********<br>uploads_size: 517,68 Mo (542822706 bytes)<br>themes_path: ********<br>themes_size: 358,46 Ko (367065 bytes)<br>plugins_path: ********<br>plugins_size: 128,20 Mo (134426212 bytes)<br>fonts_path: ********<br>fonts_size: directory not found<br>database_size: 34,67 Mo (36356096 bytes)<br>total_size: 857,83 Mo (899503538 bytes)<br><br>### wp-dropins (1) ###<br><br>advanced-cache.php: true<br><br>### wp-active-theme ###<br><br>name: Hello Elementor (hello-elementor)<br>version: 3.1.1<br>author: L’équipe d’Elementor<br>author_website:<br>parent_theme: none<br>theme_features: core-block-patterns, widgets-block-editor, menus, post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, title-tag, html5, custom-logo, editor-style, align-wide, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider<br>theme_path: /var/www/domains/<br>auto_update: Activé<br><br>### wp-plugins-active (11) ###<br><br>Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE): version:, author:, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Code Snippets: version:, author: Code Snippets Pro, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Elementor: version: 3.25.11, author:, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Elementor Pro: version: 3.25.5, author:, Mises à jour auto activées<br>FS Poster: version: 7.1.4, author: FS Code, Mises à jour auto désactivées<br>Imagify: version:, author: Imagify Image Optimizer – Optimize Images & Convert WebP & Avif, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Brevo: version: 3.1.90, author: Brevo, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Rank Math SEO: version: 1.0.234, author: Rank Math SEO, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Site Kit by Google: version: 1.141.0, author: Google, Mises à jour auto activées<br>Widgets for Google Reviews: version: 12.4.7, author: <[email protected]>, Mises à jour auto activées<br>WP Rocket: version:, author: WP Media, Mises à jour auto désactivées<br><br>### code-snippets (6) ###<br><br>snippet-7: name: Désactiver des options, scope: global, modified: 2023-12-20 09:51:39<br>snippet-11: name: Ajoute img flux RSS, scope: global, modified: 2023-11-08 06:33:52<br>snippet-12: name: Rendre visible les post-state, scope: admin, modified: 2023-11-08 06:33:52<br>snippet-19: name: Supprimer des tailles d'images, scope: global, modified: 2023-11-08 06:33:52<br>snippet-21: name: Désactiver les commentaires, scope: global, modified: 2023-12-09 19:45:23<br>snippet-24: name: Custom Elementor Query, scope: global, modified: 2024-04-09 08:00:55<br><br>### wp-media ###<br><br>image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD<br>imagick_module_version: Non disponible<br>imagemagick_version: Non disponible<br>imagick_version: Non disponible<br>file_uploads: 1<br>post_max_size: 50M<br>upload_max_filesize: 50M<br>max_effective_size: 50 Mo<br>max_file_uploads: 20<br>gd_version: 2.3.3<br>gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, AVIF, XPM<br>ghostscript_version: unknown<br><br>### wp-server ###<br><br>server_architecture: Linux 3.10.0-1160.21.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64<br>httpd_software: nginx/1.20.1<br>php_version: 8.1.7 64bit<br>php_sapi: fpm-fcgi<br>max_input_variables: 1000<br>time_limit: 180<br>memory_limit: 256M<br>max_input_time: 60<br>upload_max_filesize: 50M<br>php_post_max_size: 50M<br>curl_version: 7.29.0 NSS/3.90<br>suhosin: false<br>imagick_availability: false<br>pretty_permalinks: true<br>htaccess_extra_rules: false<br>current: 2024-12-12T10:00:02+00:00<br>utc-time: Thursday, 12-Dec-24 10:00:02 UTC<br>server-time: 2024-12-12T10:59:59+01:00<br><br>### wp-database ###<br><br>extension: mysqli<br>server_version: 5.7.33-36<br>client_version: mysqlnd 8.1.7<br>max_allowed_packet: 4194304<br>max_connections: 151<br><br>### wp-constants ###<br><br>WP_HOME: undefined<br>WP_SITEURL: undefined<br>WP_CONTENT_DIR: ********<br>WP_PLUGIN_DIR: ********<br>WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 256M<br>WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 256M<br>WP_DEBUG: false<br>WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: false<br>WP_DEBUG_LOG: false<br>SCRIPT_DEBUG: false<br>WP_CACHE: true<br>CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS: true<br>COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined<br>COMPRESS_CSS: undefined<br>WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE: undefined<br>WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined<br>DB_CHARSET: utf8mb4<br>DB_COLLATE: undefined<br><br>### wp-filesystem ###<br><br>wordpress: writable<br>wp-content: writable<br>uploads: writable<br>plugins: writable<br>themes: writable<br>fonts: not writable<br>mu-plugins: writable<br><br>### google-site-kit ###<br><br>version: 1.141.0<br>php_version: 8.1.7<br>wp_version: 6.7.1<br>reference_url:<br>amp_mode: no<br>site_status: connected-site<br>user_status: authenticated<br>verification_status: verified-non-site-kit<br>connected_user_count: 1<br>active_modules: site-verification, search-console, ads, analytics-4, pagespeed-insights, tagmanager<br>recoverable_modules: none<br>required_scopes: <br> openid: ?<br> ?<br> ?<br> ?<br> ?<br> ?<br> ?<br>capabilities: <br> googlesitekit_authenticate: ?<br> googlesitekit_setup: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_posts_insights: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_dashboard: ?<br> googlesitekit_manage_options: ?<br> googlesitekit_update_plugins: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_splash: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_authenticated_dashboard: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_wp_dashboard_widget: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_admin_bar_menu: ?<br> googlesitekit_view_shared_dashboard: ?<br> googlesitekit_read_shared_module_data::["search-console"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_read_shared_module_data::["analytics-4"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_read_shared_module_data::["pagespeed-insights"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_manage_module_sharing_options::["search-console"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_manage_module_sharing_options::["analytics-4"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_manage_module_sharing_options::["pagespeed-insights"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_delegate_module_sharing_management::["search-console"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_delegate_module_sharing_management::["analytics-4"]: ?<br> googlesitekit_delegate_module_sharing_management::["pagespeed-insights"]: ?<br>enabled_features: <br> adsPax: ?<br> audienceSegmentation: ?<br> conversionReporting: ?<br> firstPartyMode: ?<br> gm3Components: ?<br> privacySandboxModule: ?<br> rrmModule: ?<br> signInWithGoogleModule: ?<br>active_conversion_event_providers: none<br>consent_mode: enabled<br>consent_api: not-detected<br>search-console_shared_roles: none<br>search-console_management: owner<br>analytics-4_shared_roles: none<br>analytics-4_management: owner<br>pagespeed-insights_shared_roles: none<br>pagespeed-insights_management: all_admins<br>key_metrics_status: Setup and Enabled<br>key_metrics_source: Tailored Metrics<br>search_console_property:<br>ads_conversion_tracking_id: AW-1??????????<br>analytics_4_account_id: 1429?????<br>analytics_4_property_id: 2511024??<br>analytics_4_web_data_stream_id: 2136??????<br>analytics_4_measurement_id: G-M4????????<br>analytics_4_use_snippet: yes<br>analytics_4_ads_conversion_id: none<br>analytics_4_available_custom_dimensions: none<br>analytics_4_ads_linked: true<br>analytics_4_ads_linked_last_synced_at: 1727115875<br>analytics_4_site_kit_audiences: none<br>tagmanager_account_id: 6006??????<br>tagmanager_container_id: GTM-PV8????<br>tagmanager_amp_container_id: none<br>tagmanager_use_snippet: yes<br><br>
HI there,
I have the same problem webseite language is german, but ASE still uses english!
How can I change it to German?
@jackmac71 this is a puzzling issue. I just tested with a fresh WP site (at InstaWP), installed ASE, edit my profile, chose ‘Deutsch’ (not ‘Deutsch (Sie)’ etc.) and was able to view ASE in Deutsch.
@agencefacton the same happens when I chose ‘Fran?ais’ (not ‘Fran?ais du Canada’ etc), then I’m able to view ASE in the French translation.
So, I currently don’t have a good clue as to why you’re seeing the issue you are seeing on your sites…
Yes, I can’t get the French language, but I’ve switched back to English and then to French but it doesn’t change anything. Normally, the language of the module is retrieved in the language of the profile?
Here’s a video:
@agencefacton thanks for the screen recording. I noticed a couple of things:
- When you switch to English, and then back to French, I see th three links in ASE’s floating toolbar is showing the French translation: Avis | Retour | Traduire, but not the rest of the page. So, translation is partially loaded.
- I noticed you have WP Rocket installed. Is there by any chance you have object caching enabled? If so, have you tried clearing the object cache? On a related note, do you have Cloudflare enabled for your site? If so, is there a page rule that is somewhat caching /wp-admin/ pages as well?
@qriouslad You’re welcome, here’s another recording :
- It’s true that it’s only partially translated, like the info in the installed modules or in ASE.
- I’ve just deactivated WPROCKET, but it’s still the same, even though there’s no more cache extension.
@agencefacton thanks for the additional screencast and testing. Now we know it’s not WP Rocket.
I have another clue. Officially, on the translation platform at there are only 4 accepted translation, including Avis | Retour | Traduire. What is included with ASE plugin in an .mo file, is also the other translated strings that are marked as ‘Waiting’ or ‘Fuzzy’. Perhaps, for some reason, your site is loading the translation from and not from the local .mo file included in ASE.
How do we solve this so that your site will load the .mo file first? Will have to do some investigation…
However, for German / Deutsch, there are already 164 strings marked as ‘Translated’:
This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by
@agencefacton can you try switching your language to Deutsch? Or any other language that is fully translated? e.g. Portuguese (Brazil) — “Português do Brasil”. Does it work fine?
This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by
@jackmac71 please also try switching to Portuguese (Brazil) — “Português do Brasil” and let us know how it goes.
This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by
Hello @qriouslad,
I think you’re on the right track, the translations are coming from I’ve just switched to Brazilian Portuguese and the translation downloads in the updates and then displays well on ASE.
Now I just need to know how to validate the translations on or take the translations directly from the module…
Here’s a video:
Thanks for your feedback.
This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by
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