• Resolved seedhost


    Hi, thanks so much for this plugin. The Google Merchant Center team had me install it to create my feed. But unlike a previous plugin I used, which fetched my SKU correctly, the feed now puts SKU into MPN (I understand from the documentation this is to circumvent missing GTIN issues).

    But it is problematic that the SKU is not showing on GMC now and instead fetches a number from WooCommerce/WP that I have no idea what it is.

    How can I fix this problem? Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Support ansarybadal


    Hello @seedhost

    Thanks for reaching us.

    We are glad to know that Google support has recommanded and installed our CTX Feed plugin to your weibsite to create product feeds for GMC.

    So far we could understand that on the MPN field you are not getting the right SKU instead you are gettign some sort of number. If this is the issue then we must need to see the feed config and the feed link. So you are requested to provide us the below resources –
    1. A screenshot of the feed’s configuration
    2. Effected feed’s link
    3. Error report by GMC (if avaialbe)

    Above resources will help us debug and sovle the issue. So, please, make sure you are providing us all the above resources.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter seedhost


    Hi Badal, thank you. How do I send you these without exposing my site details?

    Plugin Support ansarybadal



    You can reach us from here – webappick.com/contact

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter seedhost


    Thanks, heading over to your form now

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