• There are two issues:

    1. I want to reduce the height of the header image from the default 200px to 100px. I have searched all the .php and style.css but there is no mention that I can find. When I ‘View Page Source’ in my browser I see a line that says

    #branding {
    				overflow: hidden;
    				position: relative;
    				width: 950px;
    				height: 200px;

    Is this the line that sets the header image height? If so how can I change it to 100px?

    2. Can I have use an animated image in the header (.swf or .gif would be good)

    Many thanks


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  • Moderator Jose Castaneda



    Did a quick look on the pages and found this on the functions.php file:
    line 21: define( ‘HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT’, apply_filters( ‘parament_header_image_height’, 200 ) );
    As far as swf support I’m not sure on but gif you should be fine I would think since it is an image format. I haven’t tried.

    Thread Starter richardpauljones


    Splendid! Thanks jcastenada, header is now resized.

    But I can’t get either flash or animated GIFs work – so it looks like a still image for the time being.

    I have only just started using WP and am at the bottom of the learning curve and have not got my head around the relationships between the various components. Thanks for this very handy shove up the hill.

    I have a similar desire to use my own header images, but instead of using/uploading an actual .jpg/.gif/.png image, have that image variable point to a cgi script located at /cgi-bin/rotateimage.pl which is a cgi script that would rotate multiple images with each page refresh. I’m not too good at the PHP code level at all, so I’m trying to find out where and what variable to remove and insert that relative path. I’d do this in a child theme of course.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thread Starter richardpauljones


    I have jumped ship to Joomla (booooooo!). All these CMS projects say: “You can have a wbsite up and running in a few minutes” I say “Bollox!” None of these CMS things are easy and even getting a bad website is harder than they suggest. None are better or worse in an objective sense, it is just a matter of personal choice in the end. For me it was the labyrinthine Codex that finally sealed it. So, sorry, songiuno, I can’t help – but good luck.


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