Hello all,
Not knowledgeable at all in PHP but have managed to find my way around wordpress and have it do what I wish it to do.
However, I have a problem:
I am using Qtranslate (for two languages). My navigation is stored in header.php and is in english at the moment. When I switch to the other language for a post for instance, I would like the navigation to be in the language of the post currently seen.
I assume I would have to call a different header to match the language selected!? It is probably quite straightforward (probably even basic) but I’m stuck.
Unfortunately, this probably requires me to create my own snippet of PHP and I am not capable of that yet… Hopefully soon…
Could you please either tell me what the optimum solution to my problem would be or just the bit of code I need to get this to work.
Thank you in advance for your help.
ps: I have tried petervandoorn solution but i don’t know how to declare that $myLang variable. Yes, I”m that bad with php ??