Change Header Display Based on Top Level Category
Goal: To change header images and alter nav-menu colors based on top level category of a Post or a Category archive page.
Requirements: Child cats (whether Post or Cat archive) should display the same as their top-level cats. Only needs to work for specified top cats; others are ignored (Posts have multiple hierarchies). Must work for a single Post or a Category archive page.
Solution: Add a body CSS class based on specified top-level cats (and their children); otherwise revert to a default class. Then let CCS do the rest (w/ class-specific background urls and color declarations.)
Question: The following works, but wondering if the code/tactic is sound?
The top-cats I’m trapping for have slugs of
, and'land'
, also trolling for any of their descendants.Code: In
:<?php // Add body class based on top-level category, or default to: $cathead = 'cathead_home'; // Is Post (or Category archive) in 'X' category or a descendant of 'X'? // Uses post_is_in_descendant_category() in functions.php; requires cat ID#. // For readability using cat slug instead, and getting ID via get_term_by(). // To print, insert this PHP in HTML body tag: body_class($cathead); if (is_category('fire') || in_category('fire') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','fire','category'))) { $cathead = 'cathead_fire'; } elseif (is_category('energy') || in_category('energy') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','energy','category'))) { $cathead = 'cathead_energy'; } elseif (is_category('land') || in_category('land') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','land','category'))) { $cathead = 'cathead_land'; } ?>
Above requires this function in
(from WP codex).And this
tag inheader.php
<body <?php body_class($cathead); ?>>
As mentioned, it all works well. Just wondering if anyone sees improvements or mistakes? Thanks.
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