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  • Looking for a solution for this exact problem, anyone?

    After about 3-4 hours of getting acquainted (I’ve never dealt with php before), I found the source of the problems.

    There are two issues:

    1. In taxonomy.php – search for “gamepress_video_categoryz”
    Notice that ‘z’? remove it, shouldn’t be there. This will make your video category have a title (it doesn’t, have you noticed?)

    2. In functions.php – search for “gamepress_create_video_category”
    This is the function that creates the category, but there’s are 2 lines missing that create our problem, at the end of “register_taxonomy” (before ‘));’) add a line:

    'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'videos', 'with_front' => false ),

    Then just before the function ends with ‘}’ add another line:


    This will change the URL to proper /videos/

    Kinda sloppy by the developer on an otherwise pretty good theme.

    Thread Starter bettarinho


    it doesn’t work for me ??
    thank you as well

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