Thank you for contacting us. Glad to know that you are happy with Order Approval by Customer for Woocommerce.
We tried to keep the plugin very simple and lightweight. So, we don’t have an options panel to configure this type of setting. But I am considering adding customization settings to the plugin in one of the future updates.
For the time-being, you may need to edit the plugin code to make this happen. If you are using the latest version of the plugin, please replace the whole line 92 with this
if ( ( ( $order->has_status( ‘delivered’ ) ) && ( !isset( $_POST[‘mark_as_received’] ) ) ) || ( $order->has_status( ‘processing’ ) ) && ( !isset( $_POST[‘mark_as_received’] ) ) ) {
Please don’t cut “?>” in that line. I have tested this code and it works perfectly for showing the Mark as Delivered button for processing orders.
Please create a backup of the website before making this change so that you can restore it if something happens while replacing the code. You may use All in One WP Migration plugin to take the backup.
Let me know how it goes.
Thank you.