May I suggest you keep developing using 8888 using the default setting for MAMP. Why complicate things ??
If, on the other hand, you really DO want to use port 80 and have adjusted that in the MAMP settings, then you also must do so in the database, as you have already started with 8888 and there will be references to this URL stored in it.
– using phpMyAdmin, change the siteurl
and home
fields in the wp_options table; if they were something like https://localhost:8888/folder_name
then change to https://localhost/folder_name
– install and run this plugin to change the URLs for all other links already in the site:
— select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)
– re-save your permalinks (if they were set to anything other than the default)
Note that one of the main reasons to use a port other than 80 is to preclude any conflict with other apps you may have that are already using it, notably Skype.
And don’t worry about what the URL looks like while developing locally as you will have to go through the same process of updating the URLs when (if) you move it to a live server with a proper domain.