Hello Tommyfoxy2.
By default the forum is using some kind of blue color (#2D89CC). If you want to change the color you should override it in your own theme CSS file because any plugin updates to Asgaros Forum will override the CSS file located in asgaros-forum/skin/style.css.
You can put this code in your own theme CSS file if you want to use a darker color for example:
#af-wrapper a span {
color: #fff !important;
#af-wrapper a,
#af-wrapper .breadcrumbs a:hover,
.icon-link:before {
color: #49617D !important;
#af-wrapper th,
#af-wrapper input[type="submit"],
#af-wrapper .forummenu a,
#af-wrapper .pages a,
#af-wrapper .title-element {
background-color: #49617D !important;
#af-wrapper .content-element {
border: 1px solid #49617D !important;
Feel free to change #49617D to another color of your choice! ??