• Resolved Rnlhellevoort


    Hi there,

    I would like to remove the footer text and put in my own, but adding remove_action( ‘highwind_footer’, ‘highwind_credit, 20 ); to functions.php (as suggested in an other topic) screwed my whole website up haha, had to remove the line in FTP because my website stopped working.

    What should I do? I also would like to use the website’s subtitle but if I don’t use the site title with it it overlaps my custom header logo. I would like to move it downwards a bit. Is there something I can add in the custom css?

    My website is www. a d verzuim begeleiding . nl (sorry for the blank spaces, I don’t want it to show up in google)

    Thanks in advance ?? great theme!

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  • Thread Starter Rnlhellevoort


    With site subtitle I mean site description ??

    remove_action( ‘highwind_footer’, ‘highwind_credit, 20 );
    to functions.php of my child theme DOESN’T WORK for me.

    In fact adding adding “remove_action” for anything into functions.php of my child theme has no effect.

    The only way I can make changes is to comment out the “add_action” line in theme-actions.php in the parent Highwind theme.

    Why isn’t remove_action working when used in my child theme?

    Okay, I’ve found out why remove_actions don’t work on the child theme.

    The child theme’s functions.php loads before the parent theme’s functions.php
    This means a remove_action in the child theme is trying to remove something that hasn’t yet been loaded by the parent.
    See https://www.marcusnyberg.com/2012/02/03/using-remove_action-in-a-wordpress-child-theme/

    However, the solution provided in the above reference creates a bigger problem.

    I added this code to my child theme’s functions.php:

    function removeParentFunctions() {
    remove_action( 'highwind_footer', 'highwind_credit, 20 );

    This caused the “White Screen of Death” on my site. A completely inaccessible site. I had to access functions.php by FTP and remove the above code for my site to become visible again.

    The WSOD was also reported here:

    That thread (incorrectly marked as resolved) is about the same issue as I am reporting in this thread.

    Current status:
    The theme author is giving incorrect information regarding the use of remove_action in a child theme.
    The apparently correct way to use remove_action in a child theme completely breaks this theme.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    Theme Author James Koster


    The issue is not Highwind, it is the code you’ve been given. There’s a missing '.

    Try this instead:

    function removeParentFunctions() {
    remove_action( 'highwind_footer', 'highwind_credit', 20 );


    The following worked great for removing credits and adding my own:

    // remove the Highwind and WordPress Credits from the footer but give them lots of love for amazing work!
    function removeHighwindCredit() {
    remove_action( 'highwind_footer', 'highwind_credit', 20 );
    add_action( 'highwind_footer', 'my_footer_content' );
    //add custom credits/text to the footer
    function my_footer_content() {
    echo 'All content ?';

    Highwind is a great theme, thanks!

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