• Resolved Willem 2


    I want to change the default family font of twenty twelve. I have a child theme and changed a few things with the customizer. Is there a code I can use to change the font-family?

    I tried this and a few other things with the customizer but I can’t find the solution:

    body.custom-font-enabled { font-family: Nunito Sans, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; }

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • This information in this theme is slightly irritating. This is not about being able to select a font in your WordPress via settings. The setting only serves to deactivate the standard font “Open Sans” if the language used uses characters that are not supported by the font.

    To achieve your goal, you would have to write CSS yourself and manually integrate the font you want.

    First you can overlay the font like this:

    body.custom-font-enabled {
     font-family: Arial,sans-serif;

    Of course, you have to specify the font you use here. You would also have to integrate this via font-face. You can find instructions here: https://wpmudev.com/blog/custom-fonts-css/

    Thread Starter Willem 2


    Hi thready,

    I used the code you gave me to overlay the font. Than I installed the plugin Custom Fonts. I have to test it a little bit more. Until now It works fine.

    There is a bug in the plugin which influences the wordpress editor. For the meantime I can live with it.

    The problem is resolved. Thank you!

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