• Is there a way to change the order of the form fields with this plugin? I don’t want the ‘Email’ field as the first field option and would like to move it below other fields in the form.

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  • MooSend, any news on this? Right now it’s kind of messy ?? Thanks!

    Hi jakobbader,

    You need to edit php file to do that.

    Go to: wp-content/plugins/moosend/src/admin/partials/fields

    Open file: form-template.php

    Locate: <div id=”custom-fields”> – it is on line 155 in my file

    Cut everything from that <div id=”custom-fields”> (including <div id=”custom-fields”>) all the way down to last </div> on line 253 (in my file – just before <div class=”ms-form-submit-container”>) and then paste it to the line 126 or 127 just after: <h3 style='<?php echo $title_style ?>’><?php echo $form->title ?></h3>

    This will alter the way fields are displayed – the custom fields will go first and then email at the bottom.

    Thank you very much @spiekutowski that’s very helpful, too bad MooSend support has no idea about this ??

    Well all of the integrations are more of an extra for these services. A lot of people rely on direct integrations and often plugins are forgotten.

    I have never seen Moosend until my friend has recommended me this as it is free and does what the paid stuff does and I am using it for one of the stores.

    This is also a good plugin as it does not delay page loading speed where as for example Omnisend and others have done so.

    You are using free plugin and free service so this is what is expected.

    At least you got it sorted ??

    Hi dear @spiekutowski

    I have to put the record straight:
    – I’m using a free plugin for a service for which I pay lots of money.
    – MooSend promoted its service with the plugin being part of it, and my decision to invest in MooSend was made on the belief that this is a working plugin and arranging the fields should be part of it IMHO.
    – Even if it’s a free plugin, support could easily provide the solution you posted here, if they would care. Furthermore, I approached support through my MooSend account, from which I do expect some support as I’m a paying customer.

    Nevertheless, I do love MooSend and I highly recommend them, they improved a lot since the OP.

    Thank you again for your kind help.

    Warm regards

    Hi @jakobbader,

    That is great please do not feel like I am criticising something or your actions – this was merely a thought expression of what I have experienced in few days of using Moosend. I use free version of the service hence I presume that there will be things that are not as I wished there would be


    I agree if you pay for something the service should be top notch and that includes all of the plugins and systems offered. They should have Devs on site who would attend to these things – especially something relatively easy like this.

    Nevertheless I have found Moosend very useful as they have features that other marketing systems don’t or you have to “glue” few services together.

    I am still testing it so I will see what else comes up as I have seen one more
    hiccup but I am yet to test it which settings have cause it.

    Out of curiosity – are you able to share what you are doing ? This is simple out of interest.

    I contacted you through your contact form…

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