There are unique template files for the output.
In this example, I modified the template for a List Calendar.
See here :
Copy the event-list.php from your plugin folder, into :
/wp-content/themes/<name of child theme>/sportspress/event-list.php
Inside the foreach ( $data as $event ): add this :
$printformat = get_post_meta( $event->ID, 'sp_format', true );
Then in the table loop :
foreach ( $teams as $t => $team ):
Change this :
echo '<tr . 'class="sp-row sp-post' . ( $i % 2 == 0 ? ' alternate' : '' ) . ' sp-row-no-' . $i . '" itemscope itemtype="">';
to this :
echo '<tr class="' . $printformat . '" class="sp-row sp-post' . ( $i % 2 == 0 ? ' alternate' : '' ) . ' sp-row-no-' . $i . '" itemscope itemtype="">';
Now all you need to do is add your row CSS based on the game format.
Good question!
See here :