Hello @ragnylwebarc,
We have read your query. It looks like you are using the Ultimate Woocommerce Auction Pro plugin. We have provided the below notice into the Pro plugin for the proxy auction product.
“Your bid matches with maximum bid of an user. The bid of this item has been updated. Please check the latest bid and bid again.”
When the auction product is under proxy bidding, The auction plugin will set the user’s bid as a max bid. When another user tries to place the same bid amount as the max bid, at that time the plugin will display this notice at the top of the page.
We have added this notice to the below core file of the auction plugin.
Ultimate Woocommerce Auction Pro -> includes -> class-uwa-bid.php
So, if you want to change the message text, you need to do the direct change into the plugin file.
We have not provided any option or filters through?admin can change the notice without changing the plugin code. So, currently, there is only way you can change the text through directly changing the plugin file.?
If you are a PRO customer and you have further issues then please use this?contact form?for your query as this forum is meant only for free plugin queries.
Thank You
This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by
This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by