Taylor, the new version adds the new a11y support which will print h4 tags if you have accessibility enabled on your site, or h2 tags if you don’t. This is the same setup as the default Genesis Featured Page widget.
Quan88, I added a filter to the plugin so you can now manually change the heading tag if you wish. I will be adding more filters and hooks for various things in the future, but this is the first one. If you are still interested in doing this, you want to add a variation of the following code to your functions.php file. Note that this will change the tags for all Genesis Featured Page Advanced widgets.
add_filter( 'fpa_page_title_heading ', 'test_change_heading' );
function test_change_heading() {
return 'h1'; // could be p, h2, h3, h4, span, div, etc.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.