Hi Dear @jb0591,
Thank you for the topic.
Please copy the following CSS and paste it into the Custom CSS field of the given poll. ( Poll Maker -> Polls -> the given poll -> Styles tab -> Custom CSS)
Please note to change the “YOUR_POLL_ID” to the given poll ID of yours.
Also, do not forget to set the URL of the corresponding font via CDN or another way(for instance via Google Fonts). Change the “YOUR_FONT_NAME” and format() as well.
@font-face {
font-family: ‘YOUR_FONT_NAME’;
src: url(‘https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/projectnoonnu/[email protected]/NEXON Lv2 Gothic.woff’) format(‘woff’);
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID .ays-share-btn,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID .ays-share-btn-icon,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID [id*=’ays_loginform’] input[type=’submit’],
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID input[type=’button’].ays-poll-btn,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID input,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID span,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID p,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID div,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID h2,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID h3,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID h4,
#ays-poll-container-YOUR_POLL_ID h5{
font-family: ‘YOUR_FONT_NAME’;