Hello there,
Reason – Actually the Theme has different sections like first is header then featured box then page content etc… Whatever you create with the page builder is in the editor content which is a single unit. So that can’t be like one part above featured section and later after the featured section.
Solution –
1. First of all use child theme so that your customization doesn’t get lost on theme update.
2. Next, for the content above featured section. write all the content as you want using Page Builder and let it come as it’s coming by default.
3. Navigate to Front View and Copy the HTML of the row you want above featured box section. ( pres F12 or Ctrl+U to view the HTML )
4. Open invert-front-page.php and paste the copied HTML immediately after <?php get_header(); ?> i.e from the 2nd line onward.
5. Remove the row from the page builder and there you go…
Wish you all the Best!!!
Tanay Khandelwal