I had never used the feature :
– A page or article inherits of the groups of the categories to which they are attached
This feature is a interesting mechanism to attach several group to a document and consequently a complex built of rights to read and/or edit by the different users.
To use efficiently the feature, the complexity induced needs an analyzer tool.
The logical model is complex and it is easy to lost or be unable to analyze why and how instances inherits (cascading inheritances) :
– of UAM groups in a first level
– of user groups rights in second level
– of elementary rights in third level
finally what are the rights induced for a particular user.
The complexity is enhanced when we consider the accesses by menu with a menu accesses tool (plugin like : nav-menu-roles which can allow or forbid access to any document attached to a menu item, note that same document can be accessible by a way while it is forbidden by another. For menu access by categories list this plugins add constraint to defined rights by UAM)
In my opinion, the description which tells about features :
– User groups
– Set separate access for readers and editors
– Set access by user groups
– Set access by post categories
doesn’t explain clearly the mechanism of accesses rights attribution to a document.
To understand how, from where a document inherit groups we need to check all categories associated.
Previously I had developed enhancements to UAM and nav_menu-roles to display for particular documents a trace of allocation of the rights.
I am going to draw a schema based on UML*, the problem which can remain is to be able to represent graphically instances of the schema.
Best regards
* because I really hate to not understand some inheritance mechanism and not be able to instance a schema correctly.
Note : détail of the problem that I found (a very simple case)
I have an old defined category which defines classification of documents by type, one of these is “welcome texts” and I had checked all… groups, groups which have “read and/or edit only” attributes.
I recently attached this category to several documents then classified…