This is likely a corner that users get backed up into based on the current design of the plugin, which is definitely a legacy thing from before I stepped in as primary dev.
Realistically, I should either add the capabilities fields that go along with this, or remove this field. I’m not sure which will happen yet.
Personally, and perhaps wrongly at times, I think if someone is messing around with capability types for CPTs, I wouldn’t think they’d want a UI plugin for the job. I would think they’d be much more comfortable with writing out the code themselves and taking complete control that way. Thus this plugin is better for more novice/intermediate users who don’t know how to deal with code. It definitely doesn’t cover every single option available for CPTs/Taxonomies, and I’m not sure I would want it to.
Regarding your original question, it may be best to use the “Get code” functionality and move it out of our plugin, based on the need to set the capabilities. That way you could pass in the necessary values to make it work.