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  • Thread Starter azarrinn


    I figured out how to do it on the additional pages, but it still says “Call Us On” on the front page. How do I change that?

    Hi azarrinn

    You can change your site “Call Us On ” text.

    You need to edit same line of code.Files are locate in theme directory.
    pink-header.php and index-slider.php

    Find given code and replace your “Call us on” text.
    <div class=”spa_tag”>
    <span> <?php _e( “Call us on“, ‘sis_spa’ ); ?>
    <p> <?php echo $call_us ?></p>

    It will resolved your issue.


    How do I change the text size of the phone number under “Call us on”? I have switched mine to “Contact us” and would like to place my email in the place of the phone number. Is there a way to also link this?

    Hi nashlann

    You can change text size using Custom css option and add given code.

    .spa_tag span { font-size: here you text size number px; }

    Call us on :
    Refer the above support change text “Call us on” to “Contact us”.

    Email address :

    It is possible replace phone number to email address.
    You need to create new spa-tag.png image with larger width.
    Replace these image in theme directory ->images folder.

    After that put your email address using theme option panel.


    Thank you!

    How can I replace “Call us on” image with my social icon images? my website is

    To replace the Call us on image with your Social Icons.

    you need to replace your own images in to two files.

    1)index-slider.php and 2)pink-header.php

    Open the files and place your own images in between the followin code block’s and manage the css accordingly.

    Find the code “<div class=”spa_tag”>” in both files and place the below given code in it.
    `<div class=”spa_tag”>
    <span><IMG SRC=”YOUR IMAGES”></span>

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