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  • Plugin Author Payoneer Checkout


    Hi @trongkhanh ,

    there is no way to change payment button title/text at the moment. There are legal requirements on payment button that we take care. Can you share how you would like to change it?

    Thanks, Stefan

    Thread Starter SeCrEt BoY?


    I have read plugin code and saw 2 hooks:




    both of them change button text but the text change back to “PAY”

    Need a hook after Ajax fired???

    Plugin Author Payoneer Checkout


    Few EU countries regulations require to call payment button “Pay”. How do you need to change it? I need to understand your business case.

    Thread Starter SeCrEt BoY?


    I need make the button text the same with Woocommerce button text and with other payments text. Just because I want my site have a synchronization label.

    Plugin Author Payoneer Checkout


    Do you have customers from EU? If yes, I do not recommend to change payment button. In embedded flow it would be misleading and breaking regulations.

    What do you mean by synchronization label? I will take it with devs.

    Thare are payment methods that rely on custom buttons PayPal, Apple/Google Pay so IMHO there is no generic solution that all payment methods could have same “Place Order” label. Even our payment button is not default Woo order button it is our custom button and we replace default button because we had many incompatibility issues with 3rd party plugins. In the future our payment button will be very likely bellow card from (different place from default order button).

    I will investigate our options hooks/API that could have long term support but at the moment we have no API that we maintain.

    I will keep you updated

    Plugin Author Payoneer Checkout


    Our embedded payment flow has a fallback to hosted payment page flow. The hooks are used to initialize our payment button with default WooCommerce title “Place Order”. In case of Payoneer Checkout WebSDK initialization failure or plugin incompatibility customer would see our payment button with default title and would be redirected to Payment Page.

    If WebSDK was intialized properly it would take over payment button and would override button according language and payment state. WebSDK does not support title changes.

    Changing title after loading page is not enough.
    Our WebSDK can change button when it is re-rendered (after transaction country change) and I cannot advise any reliable JS hook to override title after widget.

    There is no quick workaround. Please could you share more details what is synchronization label on your store and why do you need it? We could consider it in future.

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