• I would like to change the appointment times (as in the image) by days, style: Friday, Saturday or full weekend for example, how to do this? in which file?

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  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, the Plugin doesn’t supports this customization by default and as much as I’d love to help you with some custom code, it’s beyond the support offered for our products which consists in bug fixing and documentation. However, we recommend you to hire a freelancer who will do the job for you. Hope you understand.


    Thread Starter anthony27680


    ok i can understand purpose i got lost that i could no longer save the changes to the page (screenshot)

    the time intervals are no longer record

    Thread Starter anthony27680


    Hi @anthony27680

    Please create a new ticket for you new query multiple query in single ticket create complexity to handle better support query.


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  • The topic ‘change appointment schedules by days’ is closed to new replies.