@Dasher87- In NextGEN we are hardcoding the thumbnail sizes for basic and extended basic albums. For compact albums, they were fixed size in legacy version of NextGEN (v1.9.x) too. However, for extended albums in legacy, the thumbnails were the size of your gallery thumbnails. So if you resized thumbnails, etc, you could resize the thumbnail size in your extended albums. Right now, both album thumbs are hardcoded in size.
The quick fix for this to go to this file:
You’ll need to look for these lines (around line 153ish) and change the thumbnail dimensions to what you are looking for:
// legacy templates expect these dimensions
$image_gen_params = array(
‘width’ => 91,
‘height’ => 68,
‘crop’ => TRUE
And by the way, changing the CSS for extended albums to the size you want won’t resolve this, because the underlying thumbnail is still the same size, which means that you’re thumbnail is one size, the CSS is another, and the thumb will be pixelated.
@lespaul – thank you for offering a workaround. ??