Chained select with jquery
I am trying to get this tutorial to work in WordPress. I am not able to get it to update the second drop down box. how-to-create-chained-select-with-php-and-jquery/ Getting error Undefined index: id For now I am just running it in my header file and the other two files are in my theme folder. One person on there recommended changing the line to point to “” and that didn’t work.
You’ll have to show us a Webpage with the issue, or demonstrate the issue using jsFiddle
The tutorial is not available anymore in english but is still available in italian at this link I can’t demonstrate you it by jsFiddle because there are database query to get data from wordpress database. I would like to use that chained select on wordpress. There was the same topic posted by @bloke member. Hope he can help me how can I get $POST query between selects. Thanks
Here there is the download of the working example anyway but I’m not able to have the same behavior on wordpress.
Ok, I’ve done a live demo here
I’ve installed a free theme (responsive boat) and I set up the tutorial code on it (of course I’ve modified some code to make it working on wordpress).
2 files:
-html code is in themes->responsiveboat->sections->big_title.php
-js code is in themes->responsiveboat->header.phpI’ve imported 3 tables (regioni, province, comuni) in wordpress database.
I’ve created a folder “select” in wp-content where there is the file select.class.php.
Here the code:
<?php include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-content/select/select.class.php' ); ?> <div id="container"> <h1>La cascata regioni - province - comuni</h1> <h2>Seleziona una regione e nella select successiva compariranno le province di quella regione</h2> <h3>Selezionando una provincia, nella select successiva compariranno i comuni di quella provincia</h3> <form action="" method="POST" id="myform"> Seleziona una regione:<br /> <?php ShowRegioni(); ?> <br /><br /> Seleziona una provincia:<br /> <?php ShowProvince(); ?> <br /><br /> Seleziona un comune:<br /> <?php ShowComuni(); ?> </form> </div><!--end container-->
<script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var scegli = '<option value="0">Scegli...</option>'; var attendere = '<option value="0">Attendere...</option>'; $("select#province").html(scegli); $("select#province").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("select#comuni").html(scegli); $("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("select#regioni").change(function(){ var regione = $("select#regioni option:selected").attr('value'); $("select#province").html(attendere); $("select#province").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("select#comuni").html(scegli); $("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $.post("select.php", {id_reg:regione}, function(data){ $("select#province").removeAttr("disabled"); $("select#province").html(data); }); }); $("select#province").change(function(){ $("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("select#comuni").html(attendere); var provincia = $("select#province option:selected").attr('value'); $.post("select.php", {id_pro:provincia}, function(data){ $("select#comuni").removeAttr("disabled"); $("select#comuni").html(data); }); }); }); </script>
<?php function ShowRegioni() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}regioni"; $results_regione = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="regioni">'; echo '<option value="0">Scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_regione as $row) { $regione_id = $row->id_reg; $regione_name = $row->nome_regione; echo '<option value='.$regione_id.'>'.$regione_name.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } function ShowProvince() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}province WHERE id_reg=$_POST[id_reg]"; $results_provincia = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="province">'; echo '<option value="0">scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_provincia as $row) { $provincia_id = $row->id_pro; $provincia_name = $row->nome_provincia; echo '<option value='.$provincia_id.'>'.$provincia_name.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } function ShowComuni() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}comuni WHERE id_pro=$_POST[id_pro]"; $results_provincia = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="comuni">'; echo '<option value="0">scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_comune as $row) { $comune_id = $row->id_com; $comune_cap = $row->cap; echo '<option value='.$comune_id.'>'.$comune_cap.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } ?>
You can see that the first select works correctly but the others get errors.
second select shown errors:
Notice: Undefined index: id_reg in /membri/chainedselect/wp-content/select/select.class.php on line 22 Errore sul database di WordPress: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] SELECT * FROM wp_province WHERE id_reg=
Third select shown errors:
Notice: Undefined index: id_pro in /membri/chainedselect/wp-content/select/select.class.php on line 39 Errore sul database di WordPress: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1] SELECT * FROM wp_comuni WHERE id_pro=
So it seems $POST doesn’t works.
The question is:
How can I get $POST selected by the user and put it in another function in wordpress?
Thanks to everyone can help me..
I’ve also found this example but if I put the new function in select.class.php it doesn’t works.$_POST
isn’t working because you did not put the key value in quotes. You want to do$_POST['id_pro']
. Secondly, when using array or object values in a double quoted string, delimit the variable with curly braces {}.
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}comuni WHERE id_pro={$_POST['id_pro']}"
is probably OK without curly braces, there seems to be some variation of what’s acceptable without them. I figure better to be safe.Similarly, loading jQuery from googleapis can be a problem. It often works OK, but better to be safe and load jQuery correctly by enqueuing WP’s resident jquery with
. The WP version run’s in noConflict mode so you must either usejQuery
instead of the$
shortcut, or wrap your code in a noConflict wrapper.’s a user note down near the bottom about noConflict wrappers that I added to the linked article.
I’d suggest you get a basic implementation of AJAX in WP working first, then incrementally build upon that working version until you are able to get to a complete chained select sequence. Here’s another reference for AJAX in WP. The link is to the first page, it runs on for several pages. that if your PHP AJAX handler is a class method, you add your handler to the action hook (which is constructed based on an ‘action’ value sent by your
method, which I don’t see in your code) using the normal class method syntax.
add_action('wp_ajax_my_jq_action', array('My_Class', 'my_ajax_handler'));
Hi bcworkz,
thanks for your reply..
I’ve followed your tips but nothing is changed.jQuery was already installed so my fault trying to get jQuery from googleapis. Now I just added the tutorial script in the enqueued main js file.
Here the code:jQuery(document).ready(function() { var scegli = '<option value="0">Scegli...</option>'; var attendere = '<option value="0">Attendere...</option>'; jQuery("select#province").html(scegli); jQuery("select#province").attr("disabled", "disabled"); jQuery("select#comuni").html(scegli); jQuery("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled"); jQuery("select#regioni").change(function(){ var regione = jQuery("select#regioni option:selected").attr('value'); jQuery("select#province").html(attendere); jQuery("select#province").attr("disabled", "disabled"); jQuery("select#comuni").html(scegli); jQuery("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled");"select.php", {id_reg:regione}, function(data){ jQuery("select#province").removeAttr("disabled"); jQuery("select#province").html(data); }); }); jQuery("select#province").change(function(){ jQuery("select#comuni").attr("disabled", "disabled"); jQuery("select#comuni").html(attendere); var provincia = jQuery("select#province option:selected").attr('value');"wp-content/select/select.class.php", {id_pro:provincia}, function(data){ jQuery("select#comuni").removeAttr("disabled"); jQuery("select#comuni").html(data); }); }); });
I think the error is here:"wp-content/select/select.class.php", {id_pro:provincia}, function(data){ jQuery("select#comuni").removeAttr("disabled"); jQuery("select#comuni").html(data); });
but anyway I get “Undefined index” errors..
About server side now select.class.php is:
function ShowRegioni() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}regioni"; $results_regione = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="regioni">'; echo '<option value="0">Scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_regione as $row) { $regione_id = $row->id_reg; $regione_name = $row->nome_regione; echo '<option value='.$regione_id.'>'.$regione_name.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } function ShowProvince() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}province WHERE id_reg={$_POST['id_reg']}"; $results_provincia = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="province">'; echo '<option value="0">scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_provincia as $row) { $provincia_id = $row->id_pro; $provincia_name = $row->nome_provincia; echo '<option value='.$provincia_id.'>'.$provincia_name.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } function ShowComuni() { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}comuni WHERE id_pro={$_POST['id_pro']}"; $results_provincia = $wpdb->get_results($query); echo '<select id="comuni">'; echo '<option value="0">scegli...</option>'; foreach($results_comune as $row) { $comune_id = $row->id_com; $comune_cap = $row->cap; echo '<option value='.$comune_id.'>'.$comune_cap.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; }
I can’t get $_POST value..
here the link:
https://chainedselect.altervista.orgYou cannot post directly to select.class.php if you want to use WP functions. AJAX requests must go through /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. Part of the data POSTed to admin-ajax.php must be
action: 'any_arbitrary_tag'
. The action tag is used to do actions called ‘wp_ajax_any_arbitrary_tag’ for logged in users and ‘wp_ajax_no_priv_any_arbitrary_tag’ for not logged in users. Add an action callback to either or both actions, like so:
add_action('wp_ajax_any_arbitrary_tag', array('My_Class', 'my_ajax_handler'));
In this example, the
method is called when jQuery POSTs theaction: 'any_arbitrary_tag'
data along with any other data your callback needs to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. That data will be available in$_POST
if all of the preceding was done correctly.Anything output by your callback will be collected by jQuery’s response parameter of the response function specified in
. Don’t forget to callwp_die()
or otherwise terminate the PHP process when it’s done.Thanks a lot bcworkz,I finally decided to follow another way..
I also figured out using the wordpress database for another application would be dangerous..
I created another database (out of wordpress) I imported the tutorial tables and I called it in db_config.php. Everything is working good..and so I think that way is better for security and everything..Thanks again for your help!
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