I just edited cg-flashytitles to work with the latest stable release of sIFR (which is currently 2.0.6 – sIFR3 is in beta) I found a few errors in the php code, which were pretty easy to fix. So far, it’s working like a charm. (I know the biggest “bug” was that links wouldn’t work – but in all honesty, that’s not the plugin author’s fault. The original plugin was written for sIFR 2.0. Any sIFR being used *prior* to 2.0.4 had a bug where, if you applied it to links, the links would cease to function. upgrading to sIFR 2.0.4 would fix this bug.)
Anyway, all I had to do was upgrade the files in the cg-flashytitles plugin with the latest release from novemberborn (just replaced the sifr.js and css files) and then I found a single error in the plugin’s PHP code, where it was looking for a much-needed file in the wrong folder. Change line 83 (which says “$sifrurl = $siteurl.'/'.'wp-content/plugins/sifr/';
“) and add in the folder for the plugin. So it now looks like:
$sifrurl = $siteurl.'/'.'wp-content/plugins/cg-flashytitles/sifr/';
Viola. now it works.
And keep in mind that the way sIFR works is it replaces everything INSIDE the markup you select to replace with flash. So if you want to replace your post titles (and they are links) you *must* choose h2, NOT h2 a.
Hope that helps someone. Now off to see if I can edit it to work with sIFR 3 <g>