• I’ve made the 0.91 BETA release available:
    It provides easy populating of a database full of your favorite Amazon products, and quick adding to your template for displaying recent and random items.
    Supports pretty much any product listed on Amazon (at least first-party items — anything with an ASIN), in every catalog — games, toys, music, dvds, books, electronics, apparel, you name it!
    Basic locale support, though I’ve only ever tested US (people wanting to try outside of US should talk to me).
    Any Qs, fire away!

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  • How does it not? Maybe a link to your implementation would help. I think it looks pretty darn integrated on my site. Whatever issues you have I am sure you will find plenty of help here.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Yes, post a link to your site. I’ve tried very hard to make it integrate with default WP-stylings, and also the type of usage/ordering/layout I’ve seen across the web on other blogs (and other blog systems). Beel’s has looked pretty good, and my test WP1.2 default styling the cgaindex.php page even looks like it’s part of the site (as it does on Beel’s site).
    Always looking to help look into, and fix, potential issues!
    I’ll go add the MyISAM thing right now. I don’t know why I left that out, since I should have copied it direct from a dump of the DB. Weird.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Umm, anon who posted the MyISAM thing (not sure if those were different people):
    What’s the problem with the code? The linebreak before the closing quotation mark for the string? I thought the MyISAM was actually MISSING… now that I see it’s not, I’m consfused as to the error here. Want to make sure I fix it correctly! ??

    (different anon) I had same trouble with MyISAM section.
    I simply took out the line break and the function work fine then.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    So, I’m guessing there’s now at least a few dozen users playing around with CG-Amazon, and I’ve finally gotten one pingback (yay!) from a user who wrote up a post about it.
    Would LOVE to hear any positive or negative feedback about installation or use, setup, configuration, styling, etc.
    Also looking to hear what’s missing. More control over output? Template-type output? More search options? No detailed caching, just the simple data in the database? More template-tag functions? Lemme know!

    Thread Starter davidchait


    I’m looking toward locking in on the .93 release, want to check if there’s any minor tweaks to features, docs, tagging, etc., people would like to see get in there. I’ll probably continue to revise the version with next incremental feature changes (and only use sub-sub numbering for bugfixes), hoping I’ll reach a stable 1.0 release once I have a few dozen people actively using CG-Amazon and seem to have all major basic features covered, stability in place, all answers in docs, etc.
    Thanks everyone! (And welcome to all the MT-Converts! ?? Try away!)

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Okay, when I get around to building and putting up 0.93, it’ll have full support for Wishlist lookups. Asin, Similar, Upc, Keyword, Author, Actor, Artist, Power, and Wishlist should all work at that time, though many of them are ‘hidden’ through the more complex lookup function(s) at the moment.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Well, after birthing 0.93 last night, I got a simple request to be able to pass a requested image size to the quick tag functions, so I threw that in and uploaded 0.931 a minute ago. Lemme know how it works! ??
    CG-Amazon Download

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Looks fine by me… lemme know if you fixed it, or if it’s just coming and going…

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Well, tell me where the conflicts are occurring.. I’ll start mixing up my token names maybe prefixing cga or something to make things more unique.

    Ah, it is over my head (way over) but my guess is it is not an issue with cg-amazon. It appears word-image-counts applies its own filter to the_content and attempts to access wp_posts to do a word count so of course in cgaindex that will return database errors each time (does that make any sense, let alone is my logic correct?? Who knows, I know I don’t!). You will just have to look at the plugin and I will just have to turn it off (but I will leave it on awhile so you can take a look at the errors returned).

    Thread Starter davidchait


    EEEEEK. Yeah, it looks like it is trying to do a database access at that moment. Not a hack that I’d like, for certain! I don’t want anything introducing more DB accesses, especially not during a transformation like that.. weird.
    So yes, the issue is that >I< try to use some of the filtering methods in order to best process the blocks of text — maybe I shouldn’t use what I am using (use one of the_excerpt or some other filter), but it seemed a rational reasoning originally… still does. ??
    You can turn it off — I now know what’s going on. Just evil. ??

    I ‘ve implemented the hack and LOVE it! I had a few simple requests, which I’m playing around with right now, so hopefully I won’t figure them out before you spend time trying to help! Okay, here goes:
    1. Is there any way to add more variables, such as product price, the rating of the product on Amazon, complete with their little stars?
    2. Is there any way to use Amazon’s smaller product image, rather than the default size that’s included now?
    3. And this one may require a little tweaking on my part. Here’s my vision of how I’d like AMM to work on my site. I want to list the current book I am reading, complete with the Amazon image of the book and product info. Then below, I’d like to add a section for what’s “Up Next,” but I’d like to just use a text link to the book. And the last section would be previous reads with text link to the last 3 books I’ve read.
    Too complicated? I would really appreciate any help on these issues. I’ve already gotten a few fellow bloggers to switch to your hack. They love it too. Thanks so much for all your hard work on this and for making it available to the rest of us WP users. ??

    Thread Starter davidchait


    1. yes, there are ways to add more variables. It just gets a bit more tricky. You can already do things like price and ranking, as you’ll see if you look at my site. Let me see if I can come up with some simplified ways to access that stuff. Do you want it on a global basis, per list, just in cgaindex pages??
    2. default should be Small. If you’re getting Medium or Large, let me know, as it shouldn’t be! ??
    3. You meant CGA, not AMM, right? (That’d explain not getting small pix! ?? ) You could implement this as 3 custom categories (at least, that’s how I’d likely do it for ease of implementation), and then three calls requesting the three cats, first call with icon, second and third call without. That you can do right now, no hacking, just categorize the books using the custom category field in the CGA admin interface.
    Not at all complicated requests, should all be there pretty much already, but I’ll look at how to expose more of the fields in a simple manner (well, there IS a way, but it depends on when/where you want them to show up…).
    CG-Amazon Download

    Thread Starter davidchait


    0.932 is up — fixed the new image-size parameter.. wasn’t working properly in 0.931.

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