CF7 Smart grid select2 configuration
first off, thanks for your job, awesome plugin!
I want to config the dynamic dropdown down with the following options:
placeholder: {
id: “”,
text: “Select an option…”
theme: ‘classic’,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
width: ‘100%’,
allowClear: true,
dropdownParent: document.getElementById(“select-box”),
dropdownCssClass: “select2-dropdown-wrapper”,
selectionCssClass: “select2-selection-wrapper”,
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity
}I don’t see how to do it, I needed to implement it fast and I have modified the plugin code with this, but it is not good practice
s2options[‘placeholder’] = {id: “”, text: “Select an option…”}
s2options[‘theme’] = “classic”
s2options[‘dropdownAutoWidth’] = true
s2options[‘width’] = “100%”
s2options[‘allowClear’] = true
s2options[‘dropdownParent’] = document.getElementById(“select-box”)
s2options[‘dropdownCssClass’] = “select2-dropdown-wrapper”
s2options[‘selectionCssClass’] = “select2-selection-wrapper”
s2options[‘minimumResultsForSearch’] = InfinityThanks in advance
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