• Resolved culiang



    I migrated my website to google cloud, and certain images will be broken.
    I repeated several times, and it only happened to the same images.
    The permission is 775 for /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/uploads.
    The permalink of old website is set as “Post name” https://www.example.com/sample-post/
    New website used “http or https” get the same results, the broken image are the same ones.

    How could I do to solve the problem ? or is there any way I can locate all these broken images ? I still can upload images manually.


    Operating system
    Debian (9)
    Ghostscript (9.05)
    Apache (2.4.39)
    ImageMagick (6.9.8)
    lego (2.7.1)
    MySQL (8.0.17)
    OpenSSL (1.0.2s)
    PHP (7.3.7)
    phpMyAdmin (
    SQLite (3.29.0.)
    Varnish (6.0.3)
    WordPress (5.2.2)
    WP-CLI (2.2.0)

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