Home / Fixing WordPress / Center navbar buttons?
14 years, 1 month ago
How can I center the navbar buttons?
You might do it in your theme’s style.css (there are hundreds of themes and they all are different)
yes, I thought that the tag mystique was sufficient. How do I center the navbar buttons? please help me.
If you give you site’s URL,I will try if not may be some other volunteers may respond to your specific-issue.
to my FF the navbar buttons look pretty centered. Please point to what exactly you are trying to accomplish?
I have tried to center it with magrins and padding.. but it dont look the same in chrome and ff so i would like to center for real.
you see here?
find this CSS element.
ul.navigation li a { color:#4E4E4E; display:block; font-size:115%; font-weight:bold; line-height:31px; min-height:32px; padding-bottom:0; padding-left:18px
Try changing padding-left:18px to padding-left:20px`
did not work.. I would like it center’d
ul.navigation li a span.title { display:block; padding-bottom:0; padding-left:0; padding-right:0; padding-top:0;
in the above CSS element, try changing this property from padding-left:0; to padding-left:3px;
But will it center the bar? does it not have to like.. auto somewhere..?
But will it center the bar?
I am confused – are you trying center the BAR or the MENU ITEMS (Buttons) in it?
the buttons. ??
I have run out of ideas. someone else may have some other ideas.