• Resolved Wgmd


    I have loaded a photo background for my site, but it seems to be hidden by the site background color or the content background color. Removing the color code for the background does not solve the issue. The only part that shows through is the bottom–then, only because the lack of content means that the content background does not extend over it. How can I resolve this? Thanks in advance.


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  • Hi wgmd…Unfortunately because the theme is a full width style concept (100% width), you won’t see a background except on short pages (in height). Having a background photo (I just saw yours and it looks awesome), won’t work on a theme like this.

    If you are comfortable with editing code, you could try something like:

    #st-wrapper {
    	width: 80%;
    	margin: auto;

    If you do this, best to use a child theme or if you are using jetpack (or any other edit css plugin), use the Edit CSS feature of it.

    Hello StyledThemes! As you rembere, I was interested how to do 4 Front Page Widgets. And I know for sure that a lot of people would like to know how to do it. I followed your instruction https://www.styledthemes.com/celestial-lite-setup and tryied to do it. But after I installed Advanced Text Widget and posted first my photo, I saw it in the middle of my page. In widget I printed

    [ Moderator note: please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    <div  class="post-thumbnail" style="margin-top:10px; padding:6px;">
    <img class="center" src="/your-image-path" alt="image description"  /></div>
    <h3>Fully Responsive</h3>
    <p>Celestial is a fully responsive WordPress theme for you to enjoy viewing your website in your favourite mobile device. I've incorporated the popular Twitter Bootstrap framework to give you more flexibility whether you are on a desktop or an iPhone.</p>

    Then I copied from your front page this:

    <div class="row">
    <aside id="st-sidebar-top" class="clearfix">
    			<div id="top1" class="span3" role="complementary">
    			<aside id="advanced_text-5" class="widget advanced_text"><div class='AdvancedText'><div  class="post-thumbnail" style="margin-top:10px; padding:6px;"><img class="center" src="https://www.vantazhne.kiev.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/volkswagen-lt-35-e1384158578372.jpg" alt="responsive"  /></div><h3>Ухоженные автомобили</h3><p>Celestial is a fully responsive WordPress theme for you to enjoy viewing your website in your favourite mobile device. I've incorporated the popular Twitter Bootstrap framework to give you more flexibility whether you are on a desktop or an iPhone.</p></div></aside>
    		</div><!-- #top1 -->
    			<div id="top2" class="span3" role="complementary">
    			<aside id="advanced_text-6" class="widget advanced_text"><div class='AdvancedText'><div  class="post-thumbnail" style="margin-top:10px; padding:6px;"><img class="center" src="https://www.vantazhne.kiev.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/otdux-e1384163890139.jpg" alt="flexible and stable" /></div><h3>Вы отдыхаете - мы работаем</h3><p>Celestial is different from other themes because I kept the source code to the standards of WordPress! This means you have a greater range of expandability without worrying if your theme will be compatible with plugins or future upgrades of WordPress!</p></div></aside>
    		</div><!-- #top2 -->
    			<div id="top4" class="span3" role="complementary">
    			<aside id="advanced_text-7" class="widget advanced_text"><div class='AdvancedText'><div  class="post-thumbnail" style="margin-top:10px; padding:6px;"><img class="center" src="https://www.vantazhne.kiev.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/gruzchiki1-e1384155535929.jpg" alt="customizable" /></div><h3>Услуги грузчиков</h3><p>Many themes give you predefined  colours, but Celestial gives you unlimited colours! This means that you can change almost everything that has colour which allows you to create a unique and personalized style to your website.</p></div></aside>
    		</div><!-- #top4 -->
    			<div id="top5" class="span3" role="complementary">
    			<aside id="advanced_text-8" class="widget advanced_text"><div class='AdvancedText'><div  class="post-thumbnail" style="margin-top:10px; padding:6px;"><img class="center" src="https://www.vantazhne.kiev.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/obr-zvonok-e1384158527948.jpg" alt="support" /></div><h3>Заказ обратного звонка</h3><p>You will feel comfortable in knowing help is within easy reach should you experience any problems with this theme. You get extensive documentation and personal guidance to help you get setup and ready to go with your new website!</p></div></aside>
    		</div><!-- #top5 -->
    	</aside><!-- #sidebar-top -->

    And on my page appeared the same 4 pictures as on yours! Now I’m changing your text and pictures. But I didn’t realy understand how to do it by myself))

    Yikes… Hi Kobzon. I hate to tell you this, but you will have to post your request as a new thread for the support forum here because it’s not related to the topic of this one. The forum moderators will probably see this and request the same.

    When you create your new thread for support, you can leave the html code out. Unfortunately it’s 4am here for me (up all night restoring my site) so I will follow up with your support request after I get some sleep.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    The forum moderators will probably see this and request the same.

    What StyledThemes said. *Drinks coffee* ??

    kobzon per the forum welcome can you please post your own topic? Also use the code button next time.


    Thank you for your response regarding the css code for changing the background on Celestial Lite. It was very helpful to me as I had the same issue with my background image not showing.

    The code worked well, however I was hoping to get more to show. Do you know of a css code I could use to make the content and header backgrounds transparent?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


    Thank you.

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