CDN mapping issue
I am using hide my wp and light speed cache plugin.
I have enable cdn mapping in lightspeed cache and all static files are loaded from my cloudfront cdn.
It was loading fine with all cache settings.After this
1)I have given custom paths for plugins and themesas
Plugins – modules
themes -templates
2)I have added my cdn url in cdn mapping option
Same as listed belowAdd New CDN URL
Go to?WP Ghost > Mapping > CDN?section.
If your CDN domain is not listed,?
enter the CDN domain?you’re using.Click the?Save?button to apply the changes.
But nothing changed
The old cdn url is still loaded .The changes by hide my ghost is not applied
When i am adding (without https// the renaming is correct but i am getting Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB for the new mapped url) (actual file bath is loading but custom mapped file path
is showing access denied error
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
Same way all new mapped cdn urls are not loadingPlease help me solve the issue. Is there any thing i should do to make this work
Thank you
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