• Hello,
    We have made some html/css/js changes in our site and had to flush CDN cache using button “purge CDN completely” on the Dashbord. Right after this site works fine with a good speed. But after some time [did you notice how long does it take for site to start slowing down?] it takes more and more time to load each page. And then at some point it just stops load styles and other content. We checked and can confirm that images/styles are loading from domain buzz.buzzmediasentert.netdna-cdn.com.
    If we disable CDN caching feature site starts to work pretty fast and there are no problems at all. We are using MaxCDN Type.
    Here are CDN settings in case you need them: https://screencast.com/t/XLSwDEdbbql
    Can you please advise what is happening with our CDN cache and how can we fix this problem?

    Thank you.


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  • Hi,

    I have the same issue with maxcdn.
    However, I noticed that maxCDN becomes unreliable within the last weeks.
    It starts perfect in the morning (MEZ, Austria) and growing cache misses occour in the evening and during night.

    W3TC itself seems to work fine (Page cache in memcached server), the response time is below 40ms at hub Amsterdam…

    Google page speed complains that loading times increased from under 2 seconds up to 12sec (redicoulus, pingdom says max. 4sec.., Average below 2sec)

    I spent several nights with this w3tc/maxcdn issue and cant get behind whats going on…

    I further tested w3tc-maxcdn and was shocked.

    My visitors (about 1200 unique per day) are for 85% from europe and these users profit from maxcdn. I allways tested site-speed with pingdom at hub Amsterdam. Most pages render below 1sec.

    Then I tried same from hub New York…
    Well, on the first try the maxcdn server not even responded within 60seconds!!
    After several attempts with the same page the page loaded, however it took many attempts till the files were cached on the US-Server of maxcdn.
    So the horrible page-timings at Google are no longer a mystery, one or two visitors from an unusual location and your page-rank is going down..

    So: NO WAY, I switched off maxcdn and the pages are now loading on all hubs. A little bit slower – but they load.
    This is a pitty, cause for several months maxcdn worked fine for a reasonable price.

    Regards, Christian

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