Apologies for the issue you are having. We see this from time to time because some web hosting providers try to maximise resource allocation by trying to “detect” automated traffic from IP addresses that they dont feel is legitimate traffic.
Sometimes this happens to our CDN (And others I’m sure). Each CDN endpoint will “fetch” the request from your web host and store it in memory until it expires. The fetching that happens may be considered automated “bot” traffic by your web hosting provider.
This doesnt happen for all endpoints, but the busier ones may hit whatever threshold your web hosting provider has, as is evidence when I check one of our endpoints to try to get your website :
Resolving <your website> (<your website>)… x.x.x.x, ::1
Connecting to <your website> (<your website>)|x.x.x.x|:443… failed: Connection refused.
Connecting to <your website> (<your website>)|::1|:443… failed: Network is unreachable.
You can reach out to your web host to confirm this. They may ask for a list of IP addresses to whitelist , depending on your policies. You can contact us directly or message here if you need that list.
Thank you!