cc not showing fields sometimes
The cc isn’t showing fields sometimes in windows 10 edge browser.
@beaver316 Awesome. Thanks so much for letting me know. Did you port over all of your payments data from the previous plugin to the other one? That’s another big concern of mine since my product is a subscription, I would need to be able to move over all of the recurring payment info to the new plugin so my customers continue to get charged without recreating new accounts.
Well my site wasn’t live at that point, so I didn’t need to port anything over. I have since disabled subscriptions so I can’t be sure, but I think if you go into woocommerce > Subscriptions > go into each sub, you can then edit the payment method for each subscription to use the new plugin. This should do it but I’m not 100% sure. Why not create one subscription using a sandbox account and try it out?
When I do that, the options in the dropdown are just Credit Card & PayPal, but then I can’t edit anything beyond that. So I’m not sure how the payment info would be getting transferred to the other payments platform (once I install it) if that makes sense. I guess I’m not sure if the payment info is stored with Braintree or in the plugin itself. Do you happen to know?
To my understanding, the payment info isn’t stored by the payment plugins, but rather by Woocommerce. All the payment plugins do is facilitate the payment. So there should be no need to transfer any data. All your automatic recurring hooks are still left intact. All that you should need to do is change the payment method. It sounds like that is the correct dropdown you mentioned. Which payment plugins do you have enabled? If you have ‘Braintree for Woocommerce’ enabled, then I’m assuming that ‘Credit Card’ option in the dropdown list is what you’re looking for. You can confirm this by checking the plugin settings and confirming that you have it set as ‘Credit Card’ as the text the user sees on the checkout page.
We seem to have gone off topic btw. Perhaps it’s best we move this somewhere else?
Copying my comment from another thread on the same topic so others are aware….
Only the temp resolution so far…adjusting the ‘setinterval’ to 2000ms. As far as my ticket, Woo and I set up a test site on their servers where we were able to duplicate the problem repeatedly, which they now fully acknowledge (though it was briefly touched upon in a previous plugin update, but that ‘fix’ did absolutely nothing). They have a support ticket themselves in with Braintree to address it there if possible. Braintree only allows access to a minimized SDK, so Woo is a bit in the dark until they can get access to the code or Braintree resolves it internally. As it stands, my ticket with Woo has been open for 2 months and my last communication from them was 16 days ago…it’s fully in Braintree’s hands, or so Woo claims.
As it relates to the storage of payment info, all relevant information for the transactions are stored by Braintree. Woo’s plugin simply communicates with Braintree’s API and sensitive information is stored there. At no point using “PayPal Powered by Braintree” do you see or have access to CC#s or any other such data. Regarding recurring subscription payments, the ‘call’ request is stored in your site’s DB by Woo, but actual sensitive payment information itself is not.
Ah got it. I’ve sent them a number of tickets over the last several months, but the people I get connected to never seem to take it to the next level of resolving the issue. That’s good to know that they are still actively working on fixing it. I think I may try to switch plugins since it seems like it could be awhile before it’s fixed and I’m spending $ on marketing. Thanks for all of the help & info @ beaver316 & @touchnova!
Does anyone actually know if there is another place where the temporary fix can be inserted so it temporarily fixes the issue in other places? For example, there is a place in the my account page where my customers can update their payment method (our site is subscription). On that page, this credit card field issue happens every single time (refreshing never helps). I don’t know how/where I can do the temporary fix that’s mentioned above for that. Does anyone happen to know?
I was having this problem, I updated the framework, and it seems to be working now.
@bingtx – How do you update the framework / what does that mean? Sorry I am a noob, so don’t know much! Thanks!
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