• We installed and ran this CBX Maps plugin, and had a few problems.

    Problems in the settings page

    Tested with OpenStreet Map, width in %
    These could be related to cache systems, browser, WP version.

    1) No way to change the “heading”, “website”, and “address” for the demo map, other than manually editing the copied “shortcode”.
    It would be handy to be able to enter those in from a “details” type setting tab, so they do not need to be re-edited every time an amendment is made to the settings.
    Note – the demo shortcode can be used to test the display of maps, if the user generated short ‘shortcode’ does not work properly.

    2) When the zoom is set to 12 or 14 (say), the demo map has problems displaying, especially if it is dragged.

    3) Changing the map type, makes no difference to the demo map image , even when changes are saved in both tabs.

    4) The demo map did not display, when using “Roadmap” type map.

    5) The shortcode did not display the map or its container box, when used on the web page.

    6) The marker on either the demo or customized map, is not able to be independently set from the central coordinates of the map. It is helpful to be able to orient the map so that geographical features on the perimeter aid faster recognition of the general placement of the marker.

    7) The marker position seems to be centered on the marker’s center, rather than its tip. This means that as the magnification of map is changed, the pointer will point to a different location. It also means that the marker completely covers the actual location, which means the street number of the property and other features can not be seen.

    8) Note on the plugin details page;
    “height = nemeric value, no ‘px’ ” should be “numeric”
    Does “no ‘px’ ” mean that if specifying the number of pixels then “px” is not required to be included in the spec, or does it mean that pixels can not be specified.

    9) Helpful additional option – able to use a static (src) image (jpg, png, or others) with a link to a map page, as a dropback option when everything else fails.

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