• Hello guys!

    This version wp-imgur will cause HTTP 500 Error on WP 4.6.
    The following page can not be reached any more.

    /wp-admin/options-general.php (save button not shown)

    It’s conflicted to /wp-includes/class-requests.php. (Or more other PHP setting)
    You may enable debugging to see what’s happening.

    SSH (or other methods) to your server. Rename /wp-content/plugins/wp-imgur folder.
    Back to ‘/wp-admin/plugins.php’ on browser. You will see

    The plugin wp-imgur/wp-imgur.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.

    Delete it on the list and remove (or just keep) it on your server.

    This should fix HTTP Error 500 on wordpress 4.6.

    Last Thing: Don’t forget to purge the cache if you are using CloudFlare!!!


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