Ok, so I think the problem turned out to be insufficient ram, I’ve adjusted the original post to show this, and hopefully help others having the same issue. and increased the Vote so you are not so upset.
I understand some of your reasoning though.
I think sometimes it’s important to understand that with so many plugins around, sometimes doing similar things, It is very hard for users to really dedicate to helping resolve any issue with problem or issue if its immediate. We often just try a plugin, and if it causes problem, or doesn’t work as expected, we move on. I’ve tried enough poorly made plugins to be quick at doing this, as I’m sure have many others. I don’t usually leave bad reviews for bad products, but do leave an info trail for others who have the same problem, that’s what I’ve done here. with a medium star review. It might not be good for you and your 5 star goals, but it’s good for all of us!
One of the problems is often not enough information about the plugin’s function and specifics before installing. With your plugin, I particularly wanted to know what your “search” addon did and looked like, but your site didn’t say. Clicking on the search addon icon on your site, just loops back to the same page. A screenshot, a list of customizable options would have helped me know, rather than installing your whole suite to try to discover (which then didn’t work) So maybe you could improve that and have some info on your site.
Anyway hoped I’ve helped put things better for you. Carry on your good work, and good luck.