• ResolvedPlugin Author kevin heath


    I’ve completely rewritten the CategoryTinymce plugin to work with WordPress 3.9

    Unfortunately donorware is not a sustainable method of funding this plugin so it will only be available through annual subscription.

    Because of the rewrite it will not be backward compatible with previous versions of categorytinymce and you will need to refill in all the fields and change your template calls.

    However the rewrite will make it much more robust and able to handle future WordPress updates.



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  • Hi Kevin

    What is the time frame for this new plugin?
    I’m looking for a plugin that does what CategoryTinymce do – but I’ve already updated for 3.9 and further more I don’t want to start out with a plugin where I’ll need to do manual transfer of content in 30+ categories.

    Plugin Author kevin heath


    Hi Ioenne

    It should be ready within 48 hours at most.

    the cost will be £25 a year but that will include any updates and cover all the plugins that I’ll be launching at some stage in the future as well as this one.


    Sounds great – then I don’t want to waste my time searching for another solution.
    Let me know if you need a beta tester?

    My current theme has category pages with content bult like this with Advanced Custom Fields plugin: https://www.dive.in/tanzania/
    Hope I can create something similar with your plugin in my new theme without having to do lots of edits to the theme files?

    Plugin Author kevin heath


    CategoryTinymce 4.0 is now available for download once you’ve signed up at


    here’s a similar plugin which does the same trick at a lower (actually less than half the price of categorytinymce when considering pound vs usd) price.

    Plugin Author kevin heath


    CategoryTinymce is more powerful than the plugin in you linked to.

    But also the fee to join wp@Ypraise does not just cover the CategoryTinymce plugin but also all the plugins and code snippets I’ll be releasing over the coming year.

    Kevin, please create an envato account and put your work to the codecanyon.
    This plugin has a great potential. But it has to meet to the endusers in a marketplace, not a personal web site.
    if you make it something between 10 – 15 usd, you really can earn good amount of money with that.
    You should sell your plugins separately. I don’t need them, but only category editor only.
    Pls consider my comments as a friendly advice. I am not a coder, but I know some things about how trade is done.



    I am looking at using the CategoryTinyMCE plugin. Been trying to find something like this however I can’t get full description without paying the 25 to join. No matter what I click on in the site including “read more” it takes me to the page telling me I must pay.

    I certainly can’t pay the 25 when I have no idea on the details of what the plugin does to be sure it does what I think or read elsewhere what it does.

    Even if I click on “Contact Us” it takes me to the page telling me to pay 25. Can’t make any money that way.

    Please supply a link with the full description of this plugin so I may evaluate the details BEFORE I pay.

    Thank you.

    Bah I wanted this but you need paypal which I don’t have and can’t get.a

    REGGSenterprises seems to be the way with wordpress, I have been using drupal for years and only started using wordpress a few months ago but the biggest difference I have noticed is that every man and his dog is trying to flog off wordpress themes, plugins etc and more often that not with no backend demo so you have to buy blind. I think after this site is completed I will go back to the more open source and sharing drupal.



    I tend to agree to an extent. You just have to do some research before you spend any money to be sure there will be support for what you pay for.
    In the case of Category TinyMCE, yes, they have some issues with their sales site. Hopefully they work on that because I am sure it is costing them some sales but I have to say that once I figured out how to contact Kevin, he was fantastic in explaining the plugin, very good and quick responses and even gave a couple suggestions on other free plugins that he has nothing to do with that would work will with my site. It’s that kind of product and support that I look for. In any case, Category TinyMCE does exactly what I needed it to do.
    $25 is a little pricey for a year. I think $25 for a long term license would be more reasonable.

    I also want the 4.0 version of Category TinyMCE. But the sales site is suspect. I am willing to pay the $25, but I want more details first. Kevin, please clear up your purchasing process, we all want this tool and you’re missing out on sales!



    Please see my post just above yours. Their site is very difficult and I should get a year free for how many people I have helped contact them since it is impossible to figure anything out in their site.

    Here is their email address. Hopefully I am allowed to post this here.
    [email protected]

    Unfortunately, I have found the other plugins they offer to be no use to me but the Category TinyMCE does exactly what I needed it to.

    Plugin Author kevin heath


    Hi all,

    Firstly thanks for the comments on here but can I very politely just mention a few things.

    1. Firstly I am not a professional coder. I am a professional Amazon Affiliate marketer. That’s how I make my money. For me to even begin to think of supporting the plugins beyond what I need I will have to be selling at least 2000 wp.Yyraise.com memberships a year to compete with my affiliate commission. So while I’m more than happy to release plugins that I code for my own sites for other to purchase I really don’t want – or need – to spend a lot of time on selling the plugins.

    2. At the moment I have had to take the wp.Ypraise.com site back to the 2012 theme because of issues with s2 member plugin. There seems to have been a theme conflict with the previous theme. While most of that has been dealt with going back to 2012 theme there are still issues with being able to register after payment. I am currently troubleshooting the issue but until I can find out what is wrong then the site will stay on 2012 and look a bit amateurish but at least most of the registration issues are dealt with – though not all. I try and upgrade all new members to the required membership within a couple of hours in UK office hours are at the earliest chance.

    3. I try and provide a quick response to any issues from people who have paid for the plugin. I’ve been able to fix every issue within a couple of days at most. I can do this because of the number of support requests I get. Before when this plugin was free at WordPress I could get up to 40 people a week demanding support and getting it to work with their themes. And none were prepared to pay or donate for my time. Now I have fewer users but they get much better services and everyone is much happier – except for those who want to freeload on other peoples time. If you don’t want to pay then do what I did. I got a book on programming and learnt the skills I needed to do what I wanted.

    I hope that clears a few issues up.


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