Hi all,
Firstly thanks for the comments on here but can I very politely just mention a few things.
1. Firstly I am not a professional coder. I am a professional Amazon Affiliate marketer. That’s how I make my money. For me to even begin to think of supporting the plugins beyond what I need I will have to be selling at least 2000 wp.Yyraise.com memberships a year to compete with my affiliate commission. So while I’m more than happy to release plugins that I code for my own sites for other to purchase I really don’t want – or need – to spend a lot of time on selling the plugins.
2. At the moment I have had to take the wp.Ypraise.com site back to the 2012 theme because of issues with s2 member plugin. There seems to have been a theme conflict with the previous theme. While most of that has been dealt with going back to 2012 theme there are still issues with being able to register after payment. I am currently troubleshooting the issue but until I can find out what is wrong then the site will stay on 2012 and look a bit amateurish but at least most of the registration issues are dealt with – though not all. I try and upgrade all new members to the required membership within a couple of hours in UK office hours are at the earliest chance.
3. I try and provide a quick response to any issues from people who have paid for the plugin. I’ve been able to fix every issue within a couple of days at most. I can do this because of the number of support requests I get. Before when this plugin was free at WordPress I could get up to 40 people a week demanding support and getting it to work with their themes. And none were prepared to pay or donate for my time. Now I have fewer users but they get much better services and everyone is much happier – except for those who want to freeload on other peoples time. If you don’t want to pay then do what I did. I got a book on programming and learnt the skills I needed to do what I wanted.
I hope that clears a few issues up.