• Resolved cutup01


    First of all, million thanks to the author for providing this plugin! Really needed more than just image to taxonomy…

    It will sound silly, but I need help with figuring out what “category_id” this plugin means.

    //get tag slug from url
    $current = basename(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH));
    //get tag id from slug
    $current_slug = get_term_by('slug', $current, 'post_tag');
    $current_id = $current_slug->term_id;?>
    <div class="tag_profile">
    <?php echo $current_id ?>
    <?php if (function_exists('wp_get_terms_meta'))
    {$metaValue = wp_get_terms_meta($current_id, $profile);

    I get 4 from echoing $current_id, but text or image is not showing up.
    I checked all terms with provided php code by but it returned nothing.


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  • Plugin Author Aftab Husain


    Thanks for appreciation .
    Sorry for late reply. Actually I was out station this week.
    I have checked your code and notice that variable $profile is not defined.
    In you code $profile will be meta key for which you want to get.
    Please use this code and be sure value of variable $profile (i.e. meta key) is putted in code .

    For meta key please see screen shot https://awesomescreenshot.com/072568jj08

    You Update code :

    //get tag slug from url
    $current = basename(parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], PHP_URL_PATH));
    //get tag id from slug
    $current_slug = get_term_by(‘slug’, $current, ‘post_tag’);
    $current_id = $current_slug->term_id;?>
    <div class=”tag_profile”>
    <?php echo $current_id ?>
    <?php if (function_exists(‘wp_get_terms_meta’))
    echo $metaValue = wp_get_terms_meta($current_id, $profile ,true);

    Hope this will help.


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