• I have set all hidden categories to show. This allows Cats with no posts to show. I have also turned on Permalinks. When I click on a Cat with no posts the Permalink doesn’t seem to invoke the Archive pages correctly. It causes a 404 error instead of just saying there are no posts. If I turn Permalinks off it works fine.

    Has anyone else run into this? I have searched the forums but haven’t found this specifc problem.

    Thanks for any help

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  • Thread Starter kvillines


    URL =

    You will be able to see my permalink structure by hitting the cat links.

    Thread Starter kvillines


    Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening? This seems like a bug to me. If permalinks are turned off – selecting a CAT with no posts does not return a 404 error. It permalinks are turned on – selecting the same CAT returns a 404 error instead of “No posts in this Category”.

    I did searches on this and can’t find anything.

    Thread Starter kvillines


    Fixed the issue by placing a hack into my 404.php file. If it reaches the 404 page from a Category link (it will if no posts are in the Cat) Then I display “No Posts Found in this Category”.

    The only problem is that someone can type a Category that doesn’t exist into the URL and get the same message…Oh well

    If anyone has a better idea please let me know.


    Ken, I have exactly the same situation (stock install) and looking for a solution as well. Sorry for not being of much help to you, but at least I can assure you this is not an unique problem.

    I also suspect this is a bug either in default WP 1.5 scheme or in WP itself (less likely).

    Same problem here. I’m trying to get the categories to show their description whether or not there are posts in the category.

    Bingo! On line 190 of wp-blog-header.php, there is an if statement that checks if there are 0 posts, and if it isn’t a 404 page, or a search… it sets is_404 to true.

    By commenting out lines 193-197 I don’t get the 404 anymore. I’m not sure what the implications are though so I’m hoping someone who has been working with wordpress longer than I have (umm…about 4 hours) can tell me why this is bad and what I should do instead.

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