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  • Nice Site!

    I am viewing your site on Chrome and the icons next to the categories are showing up for me. I don’t see any problems.

    If you are still having the problem what browser are you using and could you direct me to the page with the sidebar?

    Thanks Stacy

    I release now that the images next to the category and recent posts are viewable on pc browsers but on both my tablet and phone (which i have been doing all my developing it is just a question mark in a diamond)

    The link to the page with side bars is here

    Also is there a way to remove the top heading of these categories and replace it will something a little more professional. “Category Archives: Resources” is a little daggy.

    Thanks for the help!!


    I’m researching the tablet and phone problem for you and will get back to you.

    You need to create a child theme if you are going to start making changes to your theme. Read about child themes and why to create one in the WordPress Codex.
    Otherwise the changes you make will be erased when you update your theme.

    After you have created a child theme copy content.php to your child theme folder. This is the file you want to edit to take the string “Category Archives:” out of the code.

    What tablet and phone do you use? (FYI – the icons and list item bullets are showing up fine on my iPhone.

    Both samsung. Spewing, maybe its just a samsung thing.

    Both samsung. Spewing, maybe its just a samsung thing.

    Nope, it’s also an iOS 4 and 5 thing too.

    There’s a problem with most “entypo” symbols on older mobile hardware. I wrote a long post about it here.

    That post also tells you how to switch them off altogether.

    On your second problem (“Category archives: Resources”) you could edit class-content-content.php to remove it. (Valid for 3.0.4 — I think Nicolas has moved it in 3.0.5.)

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