• Is it possible to make only certain users able to post into certain categories?

    IE the Category is public for all to read, but only certain people can post in them?

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  • Check out the Limit Categories plugin:


    Thread Starter veng


    Thanks, I plugged that in but it just makes my Manage->Categories page go blank. Must be a PHP errors somewhere.

    Thread Starter veng


    Has anyone used this plugin here?

    I have installed it, I activate it, but when I try and manage Categories I get a PHP white-page-of-death.

    Any clues where to start looking?

    I am PHP competent but dont yet know my away around how wordpress+plugins work.

    Thread Starter veng


    Fixed it.

    All I had to do was go into the Limit Cats config form, save it, then the Manage->Cats worked fine again.



    Quite nice plugin. However is there possible to give a certain users rigt to post under certain category? Now with this plugin, it ispossible only to limit categories by user level.

    I mean if I had a newspaper on net, there could be sports section, culture section and economic section and I’d like to have sports reporter to post only under sports category and to have that category own editor who has not possibility to edit other categories posts.

    is there possible to give a certain users rigt to post under certain category? Now with this plugin, it ispossible only to limit categories by user level.

    Last time I looked at Limit Categories it restricted categories by user role not level, so a possibility here is to use Role Manager (another plugin by Owen) in conjunction with Limit Categories. Then you can set up new user roles with the same capabilities as author/editor but limited to a specific category, and assign the new roles accordingly.

    Thank you Kafkaesqui, that looks just right answer to my need. I installed it and had a look on role management: Great!

    But… after installing this plugin I get blank page when I try post. If I deactivate plugin, I can post again. Can you or anyone help with this? I really would aprreciate it. My WP is 2.0.5.

    EDIT: Of course I have given my role permission to post all categories.

    EDIT2: Actually it is not role management that causes blank page but Limit Categories.

    (New post instead of edit) It seems that categories causes problem when limitation is activated. Also trying to manage categories causes blank page.

    SILLY ME! Disregard my previous posts. Stupid me did not read Veng’s posts above. Thank you anyway ??

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