• This plug-in is not working correctly when using the function mylinkorder_list_bookmarks(array(“category_orderby” => “term_order”, “orderby” => “link_order”)); to order the link categories.

    It orders the links correctly, just not the categories. I narrowed this down to an issue in taxonomy.php where it renames the orderby field name to t.name if it is a field that is not recognized.

    I changed the code in the mylinkorder_list_bookmarks function and got it to work.
    add global $wpdb;
    to the top of the function
    then replace
    $cats = get_terms('link_category', array('name__like' => $category_name, 'include' => $category, 'exclude' => $exclude_category, 'orderby' => $category_orderby, 'order' => $category_order, 'hierarchical' => 0));

    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT t.term_id, name FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt inner join $wpdb->term_relationships tr on tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id inner join $wpdb->terms t on t.term_id = tt.term_id where taxonomy = 'link_category' ORDER BY t.".$category_orderby." ". $category_order;


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  • Thread Starter cpaprotna


    My hack actually worked for the site, but broke the admin side. Must be something that I am missing. Hopefully this can be fixed soon ??

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