• How can I make the parent category listed above the post title on the index page and in the sidebar to be non-clickable/no-follow? Too many people click on that thinking it links directly to the post page.

    Also, the Facebook share window is not working properly as of 2 days ago and 75% (some are still there???) of the photos from the shares I have already made have disappeared from my Facebook page. The Twitter, G+ and Pinterest shares are still working fine. The Facebook share window doesn’t show any photo now and only shares a link with no post summary.

    I have not made any changes to my WordPress within the past week so I am baffled by this.

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  • Hi eyesofnasser. Welcome to the Hueman forum. Try this css in a child theme or a plugin like Simple Custom CSS or Custom CSS.

    /* disable post category link */
    .post-meta .post-category {
        pointer-events: none;
        cursor: default;

    Perhaps this article will offer some help on the Facebook issue:

    Thread Starter eyesofnasser


    Thanks. The Facebook issue is a real mind bender.
    Nothing is consistent now. If I open a post and click the Facebook share it does not show the photo, but if I open the Pinterest Share and then open the Facebook share after that – the photo is there. Something is weird???

    Yeah, gotta love the interfaces to all those social media sites. Lots of moving pieces in the links and APIs. Hard to tell where the issue might be.

    Thread Starter eyesofnasser


    So the Facebook issues are coming from an error within the Sharrre.com code of the Hueman theme it seems.

    The error is “_gaq is not defined”

    And is at this section of the jquery.sharrre code:

    _gaq.push(["_trackSocial",n[m].site,n[m].action])}};k.prototype.simulateClick=function(){var m=g(this.element).html();g(this.element).html(m.replace(this.options.total,this.options.total+1))};k.prototype.update=function(m,n){if(m!==""){this.options.url=m}if(n!==""){this.options.text=n}};g.fn[h]=function(n){var m=arguments;if(n===b||typeof n==="object"){return this.each(function(){if(!g.data(this,"plugin_"+h)){g.data(this,"plugin_"+h,new k(this,n))}})}else{if(typeof n==="string"&&n[0]!=="_"&&n!=="init"){return this.each(function(){var o=g.data(this,"plugin_"+h);if(o instanceof k&&typeof o[n]==="function"){o[n].apply(o,Array.prototype.slice.call(m,1))}})}}}})(jQuery,window,document);

    Any ideas??

    Thread Starter eyesofnasser


    Also the code for disabling the category links works great for the post shown on index pages, but did not do anything for the “Recent” and “Popular” posts shown in the side AlxTabs widget area.

    I just copied your code and did

    /* disable widget post category link */
    .alx-tab .tab-item-category {
        pointer-events: none;
        cursor: default;

    Thank you for your help.

    The error is “_gaq is not defined”

    Based on these posts it would appear to be related to Google Analytics.

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